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ECM recognised for Best Practice in The Parliamentary Review

ECM continue to set the standard for best practice in agriculture in the UK, having been selected once again to represent the sector in The Parliamentary Review for 2019.

The strategic aim of The Parliamentary Review is to raise standards. In each edition, a host of outstanding organisations share their experiences and areas of best practice, all the while identifying key issues they face in the current political and economic environment. The Review features cabinet ministers, leading journalists and is sent to over 500,000 leading business executives and policymakers.

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Goodbye Bill

Bill the dog passed away after 15 years and 20000 miles of field walking.


Many thanks to all our farmers for being his friend.

ECM continue to give the hedgehog a helping hand

Meet the latest recruits to benefit from ECM’s ongoing ‘Help The Hedgehog’ campaign.


Hedgehogs have undergone a dramatic decline in recent years and we are proud to continue to help in increasing awareness of their plight, protecting and enhancing their natural habitats, encouraging greater appreciation and participation in all aspects of nature conservation.

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“James Higginbotham, you saved my life”

A personal message from Peter Clare, Managing Director of ECM, to the man who saved him from choking to death

“I was at the Grosvenor Arms in Alford and started to really choke. Couldn’t breathe or swallow for two minutes, then James Higginbotham appeared and gave me the Heimlich Manoeuvre (a procedure for dislodging an obstruction from a person’s wind pipe).

All well now. James, thank you so much – it’s great not to have choked to death!”



Peter presenting a thankyou bottle of Champagne to James at the offices of the Wheatsheaf Group, where he works