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ECM highlighted in the Parliamentary Review 2019

Recognition of our dedication to the environment and best crop protection practice

The UK’s leading practitioner of integrated crop management

Pioneering the use of the latest bio-pesticides

A system that allows farmers to produce high-quality food profitably whilst following best environmental practice

ECM highlighted in the Parliamentary Review 2019

Recognition of our dedication to the environment and best crop protection practice

The UK’s leading practitioner of integrated crop management

Pioneering the use of the latest bio-pesticides

A system that allows farmers to produce high-quality food profitably whilst following best environmental practice

3 Green Apples awarded to ECM in 2023

Read how ECM brought back to life 30 acres of contaminated wasteland.

Best crop protection company in the World


Listen to Peter Clare, Managing Director of ECM, talking to The Leaders Council

Climate change and agriculture

This year The Parliamentary Review has singled out ECM for a second time in recognition of its outstanding work in helping farmers provide us all with safe, healthy food whilst following best environmental practice.

Read how ECM brought back to life 30 acres of contaminated wasteland.

Environmental Crop Management Limited is an independent company supplying crop protection solutions to farmers in the North West of England. The company was established in 1991. We have a team of Agronomists that examine a wide variety of crops including spring and winter cereals, oil seed rape, potatoes, maize, grassland and vegetables for weed, pest or nutritional disorders.

We are the UK’s leading practitioner of Integrated Crop Management, a farming system that minimises any environmental damage whilst providing safe food. The sustainable approach has been adopted by over 1200 of our farmer customers in the past 25 years. Pesticides are only applied to crops following a full crop inspection once economic thresholds for damage are exceeded. Only the most benign materials are chosen and cultural control methods are employed.