A pioneering way
of working
ECM Integrated Crop Management demonstrates that profitability and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand

ECM has won 27 Green Apple Awards and nine Green Hero Awards for their pioneering work that has included schemes to reintroduce the Barn Owl, reduce farm waste, reduce the quantity and frequency of pesticide applications and educate farmers in the latest technology to protect the environment.
ECM has undertaken research into the responsible use of pesticides jointly with Manchester Metropolitan University. Many doctorates have been awarded as a result of this research. Over 400 undergraduate students have benefited from working with ECM and being able to take part in real and relevant research projects.
ECM acts as a bridge between the farmer and many conservation organisations such as the RSPB, the Hawk and Owl Trust, FWAG and LEAF for whom we are ambassadors.
ECM has introduced all our farmer clients to the benefits of conservation and has a very high public profile as the first place for farmers to turn to for help with any and all conservation and best practice matters. We also help to educate Young Farmers in conservation, these Young Farmers then influence their parents to look at the farm as habitat and not just fields for food production. Our organisation will continue to vigourously promote conservation and profitable food production as the only way forward for its farmers.
ECM’s Agronomists have encouraged farmers to join government environmental schemes such as Stewardship and more recently ELS and the higher level schemes. All ECM staff undergo regular training in conservation matters which enables them in turn to undertake formal training for their farmer clients. Many farmers have attended NRoSo training from ECM to keep up to date with the best environmental practice in agriculture.
ECM is synonymous with trustworthy advice supported by the highest quality products, all of which are deemed to be environmentally benign. Our long term relationship with our farmers allows us to alter their methods with very little resistance as the farmer can see we are acting in their best interest.